Das Interview
Since when have you been working in the boot shop?
I have been working at RAS for about 4,5 years. After 3 years of hard work, I now manage the boot shop.
What does your daily business include?
Our daily work includes incoming inspections of all aircraft parts as well as tearing off boots, removing the old glue, gluing of the new boot to various components with subsequent sealing. My tasks include the planning of work schedules and the customer contact & support.
What makes the boot shop so special?
TEAMWORK! I cultivate a cooperative management style and make sure we have a professional and open-minded atmosphere. In our job full precision and accuracy are of utmost importance, so a constant positive atmosphere, leads to more accurate working. Apart from achieving a good return on sales, we also provide a high level of customer service through our return of consignment & exchange contracts. This creates a certain degree of customer loyalty and in return this guarantees our customers a fast TAT (turnaround time) as we ensure to have all components and parts available in stock.